COIC Training Departments


Metal Fabrication, Welding and Spray Painting


Trainees learn how to repair and repaint car bodies, construct and maintain bridges, gates, doors and window frames, pipes, protectors, burners and other industrial and household equipments of metal origin. Graduates from this department gain employment from …

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Building Construction, Plumbing and Electricity


At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to conceive, draw, read and interpret building plans and above all build a house from inception to finish and also work on the sanitation (plumbing), and electrify the structure.

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Computer and Information Technology


This department offers core aspects of the computing discipline such as Databases, Microsoft Office Applications, and Systems Troubleshooting.Trainees can specialize in Network Computing, Computerized Accounting, Web Specialist,

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Wood Work


The Wood Work department is one of the oldest departments in the history of COIC Buea. From inception, there have been a lot of changes in the management of the unit; Africans, Europeans and Americans have been part of management in the past.

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Textile and Fashion Design


Trainees are empowered with direct life skills in textile dyeing processes, the use and handling of chemicals and dyestuffs (colures), designing and sewing dresses for male and females, Graduation robes, Jackets, Blouses and Trousers etc

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Hotel Catering and Tourism

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In this unit you are trained on Hospitality and Tourism. This unit has had a lot of very experienced instructors both African and European. Recently a European Hospitality Industry Expert was at the centre and worked with the instructors of the

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Auto Mechanics and Auto Electricity


The Auto Mechanics and Motor Electricity training program provides trainees with organized learning experiences along with actual shop training, to equip them with the necessary knowledge and expertise to diagnose and repair real automotive problems.

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Put some sample write-ups for each department to give the user a head start about what each department does.For instance you can start by telling your web visitors. Put some sample write-ups for each department to give the user a head start a

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